February 29, 2016

The List: #8

Why do we hesitate to frog?
Is it because we really want to finish the project?
Or because we think of all the hours already spent knitting on it? On all those thousands of stitches.
Wasn't the yarn as expected? The fabric to dense or to loose?
Or didn't the yarn and pattern go together as well as you'd hoped?

Why do I ask?
I decided to send my #8 Kragejakke to the frog pond.
If I finished it, it would probably have made an OK "I'll just throw this on and run to the store" cardigan, but would I really get the wear I want out of it?
Probably not.

I think the yarn would rather be a sweater or a different type of cardigan.
Maybe with some patterning, and not just plain stockinette.

So, rip-it, rip-it! Off to the frog pond it goes!

#7 Colorful Crochet Blanket

I started this crochet blanket in 2013.
It's an easy enough project, but crocheting is not my main craft, so crocheting large things makes my wrist hurt a bit.
I got half way on this, then, for some reason, I put it away...
Suddenly a few years have flown by, and the blanket is still not done.
I didn't have a plan for it, like giving it away or anything like that, but still.
But now I'm making good progress on it!
The yarn is a bit splitty, but that might be because of the way I'm handling the yarn when I'm crocheting.

 Agate of course had to try it out, and seemed pretty happy with how it felt.

The list is getting smaller. Actually, I'm half way now!

February 24, 2016

Yarns In Stash

So, I was going through my stash.
And it seems I have a lot of yarn in my stash.
I think I have put it all in my Ravelry stash page, and it is a bit overwhelming.
48530 grams is what it tells me. 810,32 skeins/hanks/cakes.
And then there is all the unknown leftovers I had from before I put everything in my stash page.
I bet there is 3-4000 grams there as well.

I think I'll take this as a sign that I need to use up some of it. And not buy anything new unless I really really need to. There are loads of yarn for baby projects, socks and maybe a sweater or three for me.

I do have plans for some of the yarn, and have paired them with some of the projects in my Ravelry queue. But all those skeins that I just have one of... Or skeins I only have one color of.
Yeah yeah, I can check Ravelry and find patterns that I could use, or get ideas from there.
And that's probably what I'd do.

But, for the last year, year and a half, I haven't bought more than maybe 6-7 skeins of yarn. An I think I've been gifted 5. And I think that calls for a celebration! So when I'm done with my list, I'm gonna cast on a sweater for myself!

February 17, 2016

Minor Setback...

It seems like #6 on my list has to be ripped back... And a lot back that is!
And I have to make bigger sheep!
So, here we go, back to square 1 I guess.
But anything to make Siw a wearable belated birthday present!

February 15, 2016

#6 Teaser

As I said in my last post, I can't really talk much about #6, because it is an birthday present for my friend Siw.
But as you can see, it has sheep on it! And she looooves sheep!
And you can also see that I'm using more than two colors for this project.

I really hope she'll like the present.
I'll share pictures and tell you some more about it when I'm done.

February 10, 2016

#4 and #5 Done!

The list is getting shorter!
Two more projects are done, and I can start a new one!

The Newborn Vertebrae is finally finished. It was #4 on my list.
Not really a project that should take me, well, no more than a week to knit up.
The pattern is very easy to follow, and well explained.
For this pattern I chose the DROPS Baby Merino yarn, which is really soft and can be stretched out a bit and takes blocking well.
I was 1 stitch away from getting gauge on this pattern, and I feel that's ok. 
Oh, and I picked up 2 more stitches under the arms than the pattern called for. 

This cute/weird looking owl is my #5!
The pattern is Big Snowy Owl by Purl Soho, but there is nothing big about this one!
My Owlie is just a small one, just 13 cm tall.
He's made of Viking babygarn if I'm not mistaken. 
I started him a few years ago, just never got around to making his eyes and beak. I have no idea why...

Now, #6 on my list is something I can't really show you.
It's a very belated birthdaypresent for my friend Siw Rita. 
So the moment she gets it, I will post a picture here. I just have to knit it first...

February 07, 2016

Lazy Sunday

Today we're having a lazy Sunday, Agate the cat, my boyfriend and I.
He's made coffee, and I'm knitting on #4 on my list, the Newborn Vertebrae by Kelly Brooker from PEKAPEKA Design studio.

The coffee is from a subscription we have from Kaffebox.no. 
This one is Incahuasi from Peru, roasted by Kafferostare Per Nordby. I'm really enjoying it. And I love my Mymble moominmug. 

Oh, and that pretty pincushion behind my knitting? That was a Christmas present from my wonderful friend Maike! She made it herself, and I love it dearly. 

I hope you're having a nice lazy Sunday as well.

February 04, 2016

#2 & #3 On The List

This vest is my second out of fourteen projects that I wanted to finish.
I talked about it a bit in this post where I picked it up, and now it's finished!
It wasn't really that much left to do on it, and it didn't take me long either.
I just had to sit down and concentrate a bit, and whoooosh, it was done! 

Pattern is by Trine Lise Høyseth, who did this design for Sandnes Garn.
I used the needles and yarn called for in the patter, which were 2,5 mm and 3 mm needles and Sisu from Sandnes Garn.
It took a total of 131 grams for this size, that was the 4 year old size. 
The pattern is very easy, but you do have to like seed stitch and cables, if not, don't even look at this pattern!
The yarn is quite easy to block out, or pull in to shape, and if my memory serves me correct, it holds up well with wear.
The back of the vest is just plain seed stitch.

#3 is a babyhat. The pattern is called Lullaby, and is by Drops. It's knit on 4 mm needles, so it's a really quick project. I think I used 4-5 hours to finish it.
The yarn I used was left over from a project I did in 2012 I think. Pretty sure it is Schachenmayr SMC Extra Merino, but who knows… 
Anyway, I had about 40 grams of it, and thought it was to much to put in my leftover blanket that I’m making. So a hat it had to be.
I used about 30 grams for the hat, so 10 grams left for my blanket!

The hat has this cute eyelet row on each side of the head. I think it's super cute!

And the picot edging around the face is so pretty.

On to #4 on my list!

It's the Newborn Vertebrae by Kelly Brooker. It's a free pattern on Ravelry.
The pattern is also available in other sizes as a paid for pattern on her design page.

My list is starting to look good!

February 03, 2016

The Picture Of The List

I did take a picture of my list, in case anyone wants to see.
The numbers on the picture matches the numbers on my list.